• Vocabulary and Conceptual Frameworks necessary to create citizen understanding of human settlement patterns, • Comprehensive exploration of the economic, social and physical impacts of human settlement patterns, • Anatomy of functional and sustainable patterns and densities of land use, • Drivers of settlement pattern dysfunction, • Strategies, tactics and tools citizens can use to evolve functional patterns and densities of land use, and • Fundamental Transformations required to establish functional and sustainable human habitation on the planet. As documented in The Shape of the Future and in TRILO-G, functional and sustainable human settlement patterns are a necessary condition for maintaining happy and safe citizens in a viable modern civilization. Economic prosperity, social stability and environmental sustainability are dependent upon functional human settlement patterns and are a condition precedent to achieving Balanced Communities and sustainable Regions.
Broad-based citizen support is critical if there are to be Fundamental Transformations in: • Settlement patterns, Support for these Transformations must emerge soon because the resources necessary to implement Fundamental Transformations are being squandered. Irreplaceable Natural Capital is being consumed at an ever accelerating rate to support Business-As-Usual and Mass OverConsumption by a few at the top of the Ziggurat that is contemporary society. Citizens must take action to reverse the downward spiral of consumption and waste and promote Fundamental Transformations while there is still time. For an overview of this imperative see the movie "Home" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU Citizens can contribute to ‘making the world a better place’ by connecting with those they know and respect. That is especially important for those who live and work in ones Dooryard, Cluster and Neighborhood. Readers may provide input via the Current Perspectives [Link] Page as well as via a message on the Contact [link] Page. For definitions of Capitalized terms, see GLOSSARY . SYNERGY SERVICES
For definitions of words that may appear to be 'irregular Capitalization' in Resources see GLOSSARY in RESOURCES. also see TRILO-G Chapter 26 – Gibberish: The Vocabulary of Babel and "New Urban Region Conceptual Framework" in Chapter 49 of TRILO-G. |
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